Agronetto » Potato equipment sales auctions » Potato planters sales auctions » Grimme potato planters sales auctions » Grimme GL44T potato planter »
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Grimme GL44T potato planter
Grimme GL44T potato planter
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Brand: Grimme
Model: GL44T
Year of manufacture: 2009
Location: Denmark Skals
Auction 1
Execution date: 2025-01-29 14:00
Ending date: 2025-02-12 09:25
Placed on: Jan 30, 2025
Agronetto ID: XL44127
Overall dimensions: 6.5 m × 3.5 m × 2.5 m
Condition: used

More details — Grimme GL44T potato planter

Important sales information
Seller information
Denne auktion er oprettet af Claus Møller Frederiksen, på vegne af sælger.
Der er ingen læsserampe på lokationen.
Der vil være hjælp til lastning på lokationen ved forudgående aftale.
Ved ønske om forudgående fremvisning, kontakt da, +45 27 24 03 87
Alle spørgsmål vedrørende denne auktion kan rettes til Retrade på mail:
For at sælge dine maskiner og udstyr på Retrade, find da din lokale konsulent på
NOTE: Gælder ved udenlandsk køber. Transport og afhentning af det købte objekt skal foretages
af transportagent/speditør og der skal medbringes CMR dokument og ved modtagelse i det
pågældende land sendes dokumentation på modtaget objekt til Retrade, mail:
Afhentning uden CMR dokumentation vil blive afvist.
This auction was created by Claus Møller Frederiksen, on behalf of the seller.
There is NO loading ramp at the location.
There will be help for the loading at the location by prior arrangement.
In case of prior showing. Please contact, +45 27 24 03 87
All questions related to this auction can be directed to:
To sell your machines and equipment on Retrade, find your local consultant at
NOTE: Applies to buyers outside Denmark. Transportation and pick-up are to be made of transport
agent / freight forwarder and CMR document is mandatory, when received in destination country.
export declaration is to be send back to Retrade, mail:
Pick-up without CMR documentation will be rejected.
General conditions
Sales commission is included in your bid. Auction charges and VAT is added when applicable.
Payment charges (kr 250,- / EUR 25) will be added.
All invoices have 5 days payment terms.
Payment must be registered before seller can be contacted for collection of purchased items
All purchases must be collected within 21 days. NOTE! We expect buyer and seller to cooperate on arranging collection according to the current restrictions and instructions from the authorities.
An agreement MUST be made with the seller prior to collection
The auction item is approved bu the buyer at collection.
The buyer is responsible for all costs with regards to pick up, transport and export.
CE-marked: Yes
Asset overall condition: In usable condition, but minor errors may occur
Seller / Auction broker: Claus Møller Frederiksen
Location: CF - 8832 Skals, Denmark
Grimme GL44T Båndlægger
Maskinen placerer gødning i 2 rækker pr. kartoffelrække
gødnings dosering styres fra den originale Grimme controller
Ved registreringen var anlægget til gødningsdosering delvist adskilt pga. rengøring
sælger samler dette igen ved salg
Maskinen er monteret med et funktionsdygtigt vådbejdseanlæg fra Kyndestoft
Maskinen er med store kamformere
Rækkeafstand 75 cm
Der er monteret 4 kameraer på maskinen ( 1 i hver lægge-skakt) der medfølger original Grimme kamera skærm
som sælger har fået ombyttet
Sælger oplyser at maskinen er vasket efter sæson 2024
men den er ikke serviceret
Ved afslutning af sæson 24 var maskinen fuldt funktionsdygtig bortset fra at 1 ud af 4 aksler til drev af lægge-bånd/skakt er knækket. Denne aksel skal køber påregne at udskifte
lige såvel som sælger anbefaler et opstarts service inden maskinen skal i marken
Maskinen er årgang 2009
Der medfølger lidt dele
som ses på billederne
Sælger bemærker at Joysticket er udskiftet til et nyt for 2 sæsoner siden
Samles inden salg
Maskinen er generelt løbende opdateret
Grimme GL44T Belt Planter
The machine places fertilizer in 2 rows per potato row
and the fertilizer dosage is controlled via the original Grimme controller
At the time of registration
the fertilizer dosing system was partially disassembled for cleaning
the seller will reassemble it before sale
The machine is equipped with a functional liquid seed treatment system from Kyndestoft
It features large ridge formers and a row spacing of 75 cm
Four cameras are installed on the machine (one in each planting chute)
and it comes with an original Grimme camera monitor
which the seller has replaced with a new one
The seller states that the machine was washed after the 2024 season but has not been serviced
At the end of the 2024 season
the machine was fully operational
except for one of four shafts driving the planting belt/chute
which is broken. The buyer should expect to replace this shaft
and the seller recommends a startup service before using the machine in the field
The machine is from 2009 and includes some spare parts as seen in the pictures
The seller notes that the joystick was replaced with a new one two seasons ago
The machine will be assembled before sale and has been continuously updated over time
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Grimme potato planters
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