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Metal-Fach hay making equipment

Search results: 30 ads

30 ads: Metal-Fach hay making equipment

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new Metal-Fach Z560 stacjonarna round bale wrapper new Metal-Fach Z560 stacjonarna round bale wrapper new Metal-Fach Z560 stacjonarna round bale wrapper
€2,694 PLN 11,500 ≈ $2,767
Round bale wrapper
Required tractor power 40 HP
Poland, Nowa Dąbia
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€16,280 PLN 69,500 ≈ $16,720
Bale trailer
Poland, Nowa Dąbia
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€1,900 ≈ $1,952 ≈ ₱114,300
Round bale wrapper
Germany, Bockel - Gyhum
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new Metal-Fach Przyczepa platformowa do bel dwuosiowa T014/2 - 9t bale trailer new Metal-Fach Przyczepa platformowa do bel dwuosiowa T014/2 - 9t bale trailer new Metal-Fach Przyczepa platformowa do bel dwuosiowa T014/2 - 9t bale trailer
€12,880 PLN 55,000 ≈ $13,230
Bale trailer
Poland, Nowa Dąbia
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new Metal-Fach Przyczepa platformowa do bel dwuosiowa T014/1 - 7.4t bale trailer new Metal-Fach Przyczepa platformowa do bel dwuosiowa T014/1 - 7.4t bale trailer new Metal-Fach Przyczepa platformowa do bel dwuosiowa T014/1 - 7.4t bale trailer
€12,420 PLN 53,000 ≈ $12,750
Bale trailer
Poland, Nowa Dąbia
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new Metal-Fach Przyczepa platformowa T954 - 5,9t bale trailer new Metal-Fach Przyczepa platformowa T954 - 5,9t bale trailer new Metal-Fach Przyczepa platformowa T954 - 5,9t bale trailer
€8,433 PLN 36,000 ≈ $8,663
Bale trailer
Poland, Nowa Dąbia
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€13,240 PLN 56,500 ≈ $13,600
Round baler
Poland, Podegrodzie
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€45,715 ≈ $46,960 ≈ ₱2,750,000
Round baler
Hungary, Mezőpeterd
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new Metal-Fach Z629 Zawieszana z ramieniem satelitarnym round bale wrapper new Metal-Fach Z629 Zawieszana z ramieniem satelitarnym round bale wrapper new Metal-Fach Z629 Zawieszana z ramieniem satelitarnym round bale wrapper
€12,180 PLN 52,000 ≈ $12,510
Round bale wrapper
Required tractor power 80 HP
Poland, Nowa Dąbia
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€7,848 PLN 33,500 ≈ $8,061
Round bale wrapper
Required tractor power 40 HP
Poland, Nowa Dąbia
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new Metal-Fach Z593 sterowany mechanicznie  round bale wrapper new Metal-Fach Z593 sterowany mechanicznie  round bale wrapper new Metal-Fach Z593 sterowany mechanicznie  round bale wrapper
€10,780 PLN 46,000 ≈ $11,070
Round bale wrapper
Required tractor power 40 HP
Poland, Nowa Dąbia
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new Metal-Fach Z237 Z - załadunek tylny, zawieszana round bale wrapper new Metal-Fach Z237 Z - załadunek tylny, zawieszana round bale wrapper new Metal-Fach Z237 Z - załadunek tylny, zawieszana round bale wrapper
€7,426 PLN 31,700 ≈ $7,628
Round bale wrapper
Required tractor power 40 HP
Poland, Nowa Dąbia
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new Metal-Fach Z237 załadunek tylny round bale wrapper new Metal-Fach Z237 załadunek tylny round bale wrapper new Metal-Fach Z237 załadunek tylny round bale wrapper
€6,466 PLN 27,600 ≈ $6,641
Round bale wrapper
Required tractor power 40 HP
Poland, Nowa Dąbia
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new Metal-Fach Z561 stacjonarna round bale wrapper new Metal-Fach Z561 stacjonarna round bale wrapper new Metal-Fach Z561 stacjonarna round bale wrapper
€3,561 PLN 15,200 ≈ $3,658
Round bale wrapper
Poland, Nowa Dąbia
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€37,480 PLN 160,000 ≈ $38,500
Round baler
Required tractor power 80 HP
Poland, Nowa Dąbia
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€28,110 PLN 120,000 ≈ $28,880
Round baler
Required tractor power 80 HP
Poland, Nowa Dąbia
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€17,220 PLN 73,500 ≈ $17,690
Round baler
Required tractor power 50 HP
Poland, Nowa Dąbia
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€17,920 PLN 76,500 ≈ $18,410
Round baler
Required tractor power 68 HP
Poland, Nowa Dąbia
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€18,740 PLN 80,000 ≈ $19,250
Round baler
Required tractor power 50 HP
Poland, Nowa Dąbia
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€15,930 PLN 68,000 ≈ $16,360
Round baler
Required tractor power 47 HP
Poland, Nowa Dąbia
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€3,500 ≈ $3,595 ≈ ₱210,500
Round bale wrapper
Germany, Sittensen
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€7,965 PLN 34,000 ≈ $8,181
Square bale wrapper
Poland, Jedwabne
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€7,075 PLN 30,200 ≈ $7,267
Square bale wrapper
Poland, Jedwabne
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new Metal-Fach Owijarka do bel stacjonarna square bale wrapper new Metal-Fach Owijarka do bel stacjonarna square bale wrapper
€3,397 PLN 14,500 ≈ $3,489
Square bale wrapper
Poland, Jedwabne
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Search results: 30 ads

Prices for Metal-Fach hay making equipment

Metal-Fach Prasa rolująca Z 562 belująca Year: 2023 €13,240
Metal-Fach Owijarka do bel stacjonarna Year: 2023 €3,397
Metal-Fach Z562 Year: 2024, working width: 2.5 m, bale width: 1.2 m, bale diameter: 1,200 mm, operating speed: 40 km/h €15,930
Metal-Fach Z562 R Year: 2024, working width: 2.5 m, bale width: 1.2 m, bale diameter: 1 mm, operating speed: 40 km/h €17,920
Metal-Fach Z587 Year: 2024, working width: 2.54 m, bale width: 1.2 m, bale diameter: 1,200 mm, operating speed: 40 km/h €17,220